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An Analysis Of Evening Hawk Poem

In his poem “Evening Hawk,” Robert Warren transforms the flight of a hawk during a sunset into a greater tale of the mankind’s history and the relentless cycle of time. By way of a comparison of the hawk to a scythe that cuts by means of “stalks of Time,” a tone shift among the ominous look of the hawk to its departure, and a metaphor comparing history to a leaking pipe, Warren suggests that in the grand scheme of issues, the day-to-day actions of man imply extremely little: mistakes are forgotten failures can be reset only the greatest triumphs leave legacies. Warren employs structured, sharp diction as he 1st describes the sunset and the hawk, suggesting that at the finish of a day, time is burdened with the restrictions imposed by man, but can be simply overtaken by the forces of nature. The light is breaking up in “planes” and “geometries” the hawk emerges from the “black angularity of shadow” then “scythes down another day.” For a sunset, some thing related with gradual, romantic adjust, to be described in mathematical terms is reflective of man’s unreasonable attempts to handle and quantify existence. But then nature seems, as a sharp and unforgiving scythe, cleanly cutting by way of such control. Like there is no stalk that can resist a sharp scythe, there is no amount of human manage that can resist the relentless movement of time and the organic planet. Warren then moves to detail the “stalks of Time,” noting that they are “heaving with the gold of [human] error.” It has currently been created explicit that to Warren, a stalk is a day, so for each stalk to be laden with heavy gold reflects a continuous burden of man. Each day, mankind makes errors, and every day, mankind remembers and suffers more than such errors. When humans appear upon the previous, the heaviest, most notable and valued memories are often those of failure. But as the hawk, as the organic planet, is able to cleanly reduce through it all, it demonstrates that even the greatest human failure will fade more than time there is no use in suffering over it. Abruptly, Warren’s tone is filled with an earnestness: “Look! Look! He is climbing the last light.” By repeating the simplistic command, “look!,” it is as if Warren can not uncover the words to describe such majesty, for it is some thing each individual have to see. He establishes a mood of awe at the hawk’s departure, and by extension, the cycle of time. Warren also notes that the hawk “knows neither Time nor error,” which is not to say that the hawk does not abide by the passage of time, but rather “Time”: the structured way in which mankind tries to handle time. The hawk doesn’t recognize this: the recording of all that occurs in specific minutes, hours, and days. It merely flows with the organic way of the world, permitting each and every day to be new. So as the hawk reaches the final light and every single “stalk of Time” has been destroyed, Warren’s tone shifts from structured to one of virtually childlike joy, reflecting that it’s a new day it is time to overlook the harsh limitations of the previous day and to move on. As the sun sets and the hawk leaves, Warre’s tone softens additional and he alludes to mankind’s legacy. The hawk is final noticed “cruising in his sharp hieroglyphics” and a star appears over the mountain, “steady, like Plato.” Few factors stay after nature has run its course and Time and error have been erased for a new day. Of these items are hieroglyphics, representations of human civilization and Plato, a representation of human intelligence. So it is not the error of humankind that survives the test of time, not the mundane, but the greatest triumphs. Warren ends with a metaphor, claiming that if “there had been no winds we may well … hear the earth grind on its axis, or history drip in darkness like a leaking pipe” if humankind requires a moment to be nevertheless and basically exist with nature, they will comprehend that the globe goes on, unaffected by small trials and tribulations of mankind, and that human history, for the most component, will slowly fade. But Warren’s ultimate message is not to completely disregard the past. Rather, it is rather that humankind loads itself with failures of the previous, but the world goes on regardless of failure, so one ought to not endure more than the past, but alternatively focus on leaving a legacy for the future. Reflection My original essay was surprisingly not the absolute trainwreck that I expected. The common concept — that time goes on, regardless of human trials and tribulation — is certainly present, along with significantly of the evidence in my revised essay (sharp, structured diction in the starting, allusions to hieroglyphics and Plato) had been present. But it is obvious that I struggled to effectively communicate these tips in the original essay, resorting to a myriad of redundant, at instances unintelligible, phrases as effectively as remaining focused on the prompt. The changes I have created in this second essay reflect that I have grown into a much more sophisticated, structured, and intentional writer. Before really delving into the context of the original essay, it was crucial to take away all the cliche phrases from my perform. By this, I mean gone had been phrases like “legends of the evening,” which I knew meant absolutely nothing when I wrote it, but I believed sounded cool. It was also important to remove all the points have been my tone ventured too far into the casual zone (“…aren’t precisely poster children…”), a widespread habit of mine when I panic. Of course, I created other adjustments as well. I rewrote my intro paragraph to really introduce the content of the essay rather than merely summarize the poem so that my essay had structure from the beginning and had a clear thesis to adhere to. I also moved chronologically throughout the poem alternatively of producing broad, sweeping statements about what a symbol means and the general mood. For this specific essay, creating broad statements would not have been effective because the symbolism and mood both adjust all through the poem. As a basic note, nonetheless, I know that an essay does not require to be written chronologically, but I have found that it performs greatest for me. I also added far far more evaluation to every piece of evidence, such as explaining the value of the comparison between error and gold. In the original essay, I only mentioned the description, but the revised essay explains that gold, which is notorious for its heavy weight, is symbolic of a massive burden. Only in the second essay is there a goal to mentioning this comparison at all. I have also written a conclusion. It is short, and perhaps a small lacking, but it exists which is more than I can say for the original essay. In addition, the conclusion not only repeats the thesis, but (I feel) efficiently wraps up all the evidence presented in the essay, providing that greater “so what.” Though I’ve had a year to consider this poem over, I’m still not completely confident in my interpretation of it. I suppose that poetry will always be my weakness. But, even with my somewhat shaky ideas, my enhanced writing capacity has permitted me to produce a far far more persuasive essay.
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